Can he be a baby forever?

Could he be a baby forever?

I’ve not known the feeling of having a toddler, a preteen or a young adult yet (cos I’ve not had one) although I look forward to the growth and developmental milestones of my child daily, having and caring for my baby is one of the most amazing and fulfilling things on earth!


His innocent look is simply priceless…

What about his ‘informative’ (lol!) chatter? Very ‘detailed’…(and convincing too! lol)

And the unique smiles and beautiful expressions…so heart warming!

These and many more about babies are more rewarding to me than a million…pounds! (hypothetically speaking…lol)

So rewarding that sometimes I wish my child could remain a baby…forever


Do you sometimes wish for the same?

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  1. I used to feel that way all the time! Maybe that’s why I kept having babies. LOL! I have five children. They are so sweet and little and helpless. I loved their smell, their smiles. I loved to watch them sleep. I loved my babies, and I miss the days. Enjoy him. The time goes fast. My kids are older now and I still enjoy them. They make me laugh and one day they will be my friends.

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