Children are models too. Aren’t they?

Sunday is always a busy day for us, one of the reasons is that we are workers in church and we have a scheduled time to be in church and consequences for lateness just like a regular organization. So yesterday, as I was driving my family to church, I mistakenly ran through the red light. Did I say ‘mistakenly’? That’s a lie, it was intentional because I was in a rush and can’t spare one second any longer. ‘It’s the early hour of the morning and traffic was light’ I said to myself. Suddenly I heard my innocent child saying ‘Red means Stop, Yellow means Get Ready and Green means Go’. I somehow became sober and didn’t know the explanation to give for my ‘naughty’ behaviour.

As soon as we got to church, it became difficult for me to concentrate, I was thinking about the implication of the ‘seed’ I had sown. Should I correct it immediately or just leave the ‘child talk’ since it was not directed to me directly…

I mentioned in my previous post that as a  parent I am neither a robot nor an app therfore I have my mistakes but when mistakes are made, what are the way forward?

How do you feel when your child correct you for doing the wrong thing? Or am I the only victim?

Looking forward to hearing from you in our comment column. Thank you.

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