Letter to my child – Let your Light so Shine!

Dear child,

Living in this generation is hardwork, I sincerely give that to you, well done! During our days as children, teenagers and young adults, it was quite challenging, but not as challenging as this.

I can see that you have so many things competing for your attention all at the same time, requesting that you give in.

I have heard some musical lyrics that make me wonder what the composer was thinking about when he was writing the song.

I have watched some movies that I couldn’t have the gut to finish to the end because of the obscene scenes.

I have seen so many apparel combinations that neither not hold a modicum of decency nor sense of logic.

I have heard some speeches, slangs and hashtags that make me weep

What about lifestyles? Thinking patterns? Media?Conclusions about spiritual leaders/religions?
And so many coded ‘hide and seek’.

My dear child, if you are to survive in this generation then you have to do the following:

1. Remember the child of whom you are: your identity in God. You are not on earth by accident, God created you for His glory. Though you are living here on earth, you are an ambassador representing God’s kingdom.

2. Remember what our family represents, our values and cultures, our beliefs and motivations,  our language and lifestyle. We have laid this foundation for you right from your childhood, don’t walk in the wrong direction.

These two things will shape your life, determine your associations, inspire your goals and make you stand out in our world today.

If your goal of becoming  one of the celebrities is not linked to glorifying God then who are you promoting?

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. Matthew 5:16

A note to parents:
This is the best season to live by example.

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One comment

  1. So true for the season. Exceptional write up.

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