Letter to my child…You are made for more!

Dear Sonshine,

How are you coping with this new stage of life?

I am happy about the building project you have just started. This indeed is a great achievement! Your mum and I are super grateful to God for this. However, I will like to encourage you with a few words.

You are made for more!

Don’t become so caught up in the everyday life that it becomes easier to continue in old patterns rather than change. God created you for a unique purpose for such a time as this.

Life is more than just sleeping and waking up. You are here on an assignment. You are here on a mission. God put you here to run errands for Him. God wants you to continue from where He stopped – not because He is tired or lazy, but because you are made in His image and His nature is ‘doing’.

If God was occupied daily during the creation then you should not be idle at any point in time. <span;>Even if you haven’t discovered the purpose, make your every day journey a research to knowing why you are here. Be intentional to fulfilling His assignment.

Remember this celebrated biography: ‘Solomon Grundy’
This is the summary of his life:
Born on a Monday…
Christened on Tuesday…
Married on Wednesday…
Took ill on Thursday…
Grew worse on Friday…
Died on Saturday…
Buried on Sunday…
And that was the end of Solomon Grundy.

Don’t just live to exist. Live a life of impact – a life of real purpose that will make a difference in the world. I look forward to your unfolding just as the world looks forward to your manifestation.

I love you!

Your Intentionally,

About admin

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