Somehow, we live forever.  Ask me how 🤔

As I wrote the date to pen down an article into my notepad, immediately my mind travelled to the next 190 years. Yes, 22/12/2212…you know how we look forward to unique dates 😃 😀 that was how I scribbled it beside the current one 😄 😉  22/12/2022 – 22/12/2212.

By then, we would all have gone, likewise our children and probably our children’s children. One thing is sure if Jesus delays His coming, some part of us would be here (directly or indirectly).

How would my lineage feel about my existence?
Would they be proud to have sprouted from my family tree 🌳 🤔 or otherwise?
Would I be affecting the world positively or negatively?

I never had the opportunity of meeting Ajayi Crowther, Neil Armstrong, Mary Slessor, Martin Luther King, Barrack Obama’s grandparents, however, their names and works are still obvious in my generation.

What would the world say about you and I by then?

190 years isn’t far at all. The kind of seed I sow today especially into my children’s lives will determine the kind of fruits that would be sprouting in my lineage and the world at large.

Be intentional

Gen.8:22 – ‘While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest…shall not cease.’

About admin

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