Sperm Donors versus Real Fathers. Fathers’ Day Edition

Any boy can be a man
Any man can get married
Any married man can be a sperm donor
But not all donors are fathers

Children answer the last names of sperm donors but live in the legacy of real fathers
The present and future of each child is important to real fathers but only the past affect the sperm donor

Sperm donors are seen everywhere yet unavailable to raise the children, real fathers are scarce yet fully available to raise heroes

Gender doesn’t define fatherhood
Be it a boy, husband, man or a full fledged male gender

Fatherhood is not defined by the wallet, ATM, purse, token or bank account

Aquisition, possession, reputation or education/qualification has nothing to do with fatherhood

Fatherhood is a business therefore you have to understand The Law of Demand and Supply of Parenting

Fatherhood is a game therefore you need to familiarise yourself with the rules of the game. One of the rules of parenting says you don’t have to be the winner or Mr know it all

Fatherhood is a journey that you should never give up on however clumsy and tiring it may look

Fatherhood is a mirror that reflects your true identity through your household

Fatherhood is a calling, real men are the priests of their homes therefore they are spiritually alert and sensitive

To the real fathers who not only understand the real definition of fatherhood but live by it, mum4real wishes you a Happy Fathers’ Day

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